


导演:Kyle,Couch 地区:美国 播出时间:2020

 An apocalyptic event known as The Crisis has devastated David's world leaving him to rely on survival tactics learned from childhood. Isolated and alone, David has taken refuge in a tent on the edge of the wilderness. Soon enough, another survivor emerges, Mary, who immediately begins questioning David's tactics and ultimately putting them in the crosshairs of "Those Who Walk In Darkness", unseen creatures that may or may not be responsible for The Crisis. From award-winning filmmaker, Kyle Couch comes a new vision of terror and heartbreak.

 An apocalyptic event known as The Crisis has devastated David's world leaving him to rely on survival tactics learned from childhood. Isolated and alone, David has taken refuge in a tent on the edge of the wilderness. Soon enough, another survivor emerges, Mary, who immediately begins questioning David's tactics and ultimately putting them in the crosshairs of "Those Who Walk In Darkness", unseen creatures that may or may not be responsible for The Crisis. From award-winning filmmaker, Kyle Couch comes a new vision of terror and heartbreak.


  • 老家伙

  • 犯罪都市4

  • 斗争人生

  • 母亲的直觉

  • 新龙门客栈之英雄觉醒

  • 星星的故乡

  • 52赫兹的鲸鱼

  • 我亲爱的祖国电影版

  • 神探修尔之洛桐的神秘力量

  • 来自京都的信
